Merewether High School

Scientia Ac Labore - Success through knowledge and application.

Telephone02 4969 3855

Software Downloads

Student Testing

There are several tests administered by the Department of Education via online systems. From 2023 onwards, BYOD will be the method of facilitation for these online tests. All students will be required to have all software downloaded and installed for each mandated and elective test.

Testing Software

Please these links to download and install the required software for your system:


Microsoft Office 365

1. Logon to Student Portal
2. Click Microsoft Office 365
3. Click the option Install Office
4. In the drop down menu select Office 365 Apps
5 The installation file should begin to download. 
6 Open the file and follow the prompts to install Office on your device.

For more see Microsoft Office 365

Adobe Creative Cloud

This contains programs such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat Professional and more. To subscribe:

  • visit On the Hub
  • click Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription
  • click Get Adobe through NSW
  • follow instructions in the provided video

General Software

All students should have up-to-date versions of the following software installed on their device:

  • Google Chrome web browser
  • Windows Defender or similar protection
  • specialist software as indicated by teachers