Merewether High School

Scientia Ac Labore - Success through knowledge and application.

Telephone02 4969 3855

Religion and Ethics

NSW schools offer Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE). Where available, approved providers deliver these services.

Write to the school if you wish to withdraw your child from SRE / SEE. Special education in ethics is an option for Year 7 and 8 students from Term 3. For more information, visit Religion and Ethics.

Special Religious Education (SRE)

The Anglican Diocese of Newcastle's Adriana Pate of Hillsong Newcastle, provides Special Religious Education lessons for students from Year 7 to Year 12 who have opted in by completing our school's SRE Participation form. For more information about the religious education curriculum visit Newcastle SRE Board.

Special Education in Ethics (SEE)

Primary Ethics Ltd is the approved provider for NSW Department of Education. Tatar Holmes will facilitate these lessons for students from Year 7 and Year 8 who have opted in by completing our SEE Participation form. For more about Ethics Education please visit Primary Ethics.

SRE & SEE Lessons

SRE / SEE lessons are held during Period 6 each Friday afternoon. Students who do not attend the SRE or SEE lessons will follow their regular school timetable and are dismissed from school at the end of Period 5.

Those students remaining at school during period 6 who do not attend SRE or SEE lessons will be actively supervised by Teachers.

All Year 7 students will receive a SRE / SEE participation form at time of enrolment that will need to be completed by all students whether they are opting to attend SRE or SEE lessons or opting out of attending.

In accordance with the Education Act 1990, Special Religious Education (SRE)  and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) lessons are offered at Merewether High School.

SRE Provider Contact Details

David Robertson from Hillsong Australia teaches lessons for the Newcastle SRE board.

SRE Instructor: David Robertson

  • Approved Provider: Anglican Diocese Sydney (Anglican Diocese of Newcastle)
  • Newcastle SRE Board Curriculum
  • SRE Coordinator: Mr Alex Dey
  • 0408 490 247 or
  • Board: Newcastle SRE Board Incorporated

SEE Provider Contact Details

Tatar Holmes from Primary Ethics Ltd teaches ethics lessons.

SEE Instructor/coordinator: Tatar Holmes

Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics are offered as per the policy and procedures of the NSW Department of Education, please refer to SRE / SEE Policy.

The local representatives of the above SRE / SEE Providers have agreed to cross-authorise the following SRE / SEE teachers at Merewether High School. The SRE / SEE teachers listed are appropriately authorised by their respective providers according to the Department of Education guidelines, have Accreditation Training, and have met relevant requirements under the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 and the Child Protection (Working with Children) Regulation 2013.