Merewether High School

Scientia Ac Labore - Success through knowledge and application.

Telephone02 4969 3855

Year 7

Orientation Day

Starting high school is a time of new experiences as your child adjusts to a new school, makes new friends and gets used to having different teachers and classrooms for each subject. 

Thank you to everyone who attended Orientation Day. Early in Term 1 school timetables are issued to all Year 7 students and our Prefects begin travel training with them.

Year 7 Assessment Calendar

The Year 7 Assessment Calendar is a guide to due dates and other important information for Year 7. Individual class submission dates may vary due to the respective class timetables. The calendar is indicative of the week that a task will fall due. For courses where there is no formal written exam, assessment may fall due in class during the assessment or exam week.

Illness and Misadventure

Our Illness/Misadventure application form is the correct way to apply for extensions of assignment due dates and special consideration regarding examinations.

Y8 Subject Selection

Subject Selection for Year 8 takes place in Term 3. The Y8 Curriculum Handbook outlines the mandatory and elective courses for students.

Parent Learning Group

Across the year we run Parent Learning Group (PLG) sessions for parents and carers in the Learning Centre, here are the most recent presentations we've delivered:

We always welcome feedback and suggestions for future meetings, please Email MHS with the subject Year 7 PLG Suggestion.

Invitations for the Parent Learning Groups are sent via email. Please ensure you have a current family email contact listed with the school to ensure you receive school correspondence.

NAPLAN Schedule & Resources

Please consult the 2024 NAPLAN Schedule for dates and basic information. You can also check out What's in the Tests and access previous Test Papers and Answers to familiarise yourself with the NAPLAN testing.

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