Merewether High School

Scientia Ac Labore - Success through knowledge and application.

Telephone02 4969 3855

Year 11

Starting the Year

In Year 11 students start preparing for the Higher School Certificate, so it's important your child settles into a good routine that balances study commitments and life outside of school.

Assessment Calendar

The following links provide important dates and information for students in Year 11. In many cases, the week in which a task is conducted is shown rather than the actual day, as this varies depending on which core class the student is in.

Should there be any queries in relation to a course, please contact the Head Teacher of the course concerned on 4969 3855.

Y11 Y12 Curriculum Handbook

The Y11 Y12 Curriculum Handbook outlines the courses available to students. Stationery needed is determined by individual teachers and outlined at the beginning of Term 1.

Illness and Misadventure

Our Illness /Misadventure Form is the correct way to apply for extensions of assignment due dates and special consideration regarding examinations.

Parent Learning Group

Early in Term 1 each year we commence our Parent Learning Group (PLG) for Year 11 in the Learning Centre. Here are the most recent PLG presentations for Year 11:

We always welcome feedback and suggestions for future meetings, please Email MHS with the subject Year 11 PLG Suggestion.

And if you have/create a Facebook Profile or Page you can join our Y11 Careers FB Group.

Invitations for the Parent Learning Groups are sent via email. Please ensure you have a current family email contact listed with the school to ensure you receive school correspondence.

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