Merewether High School

Scientia Ac Labore - Success through knowledge and application.

Telephone02 4969 3855

PDHPE & Language Focus

Japanese fish


Parent voice, new Scope and Sequences, CHS sport, athletics and cross country age champions, missing records, Language survey, Japanese, German.

Student / Parent Voice

We have had the pleasure of this Semester in engaging with both students and parents with the development of our current scope and sequence, teaching and learning and assessment.

Click Scope and Sequences to access our updated scope and sequences so far for 2022.

This Parent Survey link and QR code below for the same is available for parents who missed our Parent Learning Group but still want have a voice in this process.

We do value your voice and appreciate the time it takes for you to complete our short 5 minute survey.

EA Sports added to PASS

We have also taken the time to consult with our student body and have created new scope and sequence for our PASS units of work in Y9 and Y10. The sports offered will be completely different to what is offered in mandatory PDHPE 7-10. You can view the revised PASS Scope and Sequence for more details.

CHS & Knockout Sport

We have had significant success in both KO and CHS sport so far this year. We continue to represent the school in the following teams who have almost all advanced first and second rounds of their Knockout competition.

  • Open Boys; Hockey, basketball, volleyball, AFL, cricket and softball
  • Open Girls, Netball, Hockey, Volleyball and Cricket
  • Junior Boys: Rugby, Netball and Cricket
  • Junior Girls: Soccer and Netball.

When students are going to CHS trials and games please email us with a copy of your entry confirmation, as the DASH system does not notify the school system where it would otherwise automatically let school know of absences. These are different to School Knockout or Carnivals that are internally organised and paid for when you give permission through School Bytes.

Cross Country School Age Champions

12 years Boy / Girl

13 years Boy / Girl

14 years Boy / Girl

15 years Boy / Girl

16 years Boy / Girl

17 years Boy / Girl





Kai Pearce  ... Quiola Arthur

Lincoln Catchpole ... Phillipa Allen

Aarya Nanda ... Heidi Hunton

Matthew Nyman ... Zoe Webb

Jack Francis ... Sarah McIlwain

Robbie Flick ... no runner





Athletics Country School Age Champions

12 years Boy / Girl

13 years Boy / Girl

14 years Boy / Girl

15 years Boy / Girl

16 years Boy / Girl

17 years Boy / Girl






Chyly Law ... Chloe Lim

Tom Watkins ... Chloe Nguyen

Josiah Gadsby ... Laura Knipe

Callam Hewitt ... Ana Cupitt

Eric Donne ... Brooke Hill

William Lyne ... Amber Xavier






Athletics Carnival Results

Missing Athletics Records          

We are missing many Athletic records for Merewether High. If you are a teacher, parent or past student and have access to previous records please contact us to help update our records.

Sport Choices Term 3

Language News

Student & Parent Voice

This QR code is for parents and carers to have your voice heard regarding Languages at Merewether High School. We do value your voice and appreciate the time it takes for you to complete our short 5 minute survey. 

Students in year 7-10 will be surveyed in weeks 7 and 8 regarding curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment. Please remind them to be on the lookout for these surveys.


This semester in Japanese, Year 8 students have learnt the hiragana syllabary, greetings, classroom expressions, kanji numbers and self-introductions.

Year 9 students have focussed on the katakana syllabary, kanji characters, nationalities, languages and personal profiles. Year 10 have studied locations and directions, compared rural and urban living, and are learning about travel.

Learning activities have included bookwork, activity sheets, speaking, reading, listening, playing games, using computers, making origami and cards. In recognition of Children’s Day, students from all year groups folded origami samurai helmets which were combined to make carp streamers. The carp and samurai represent the strength and honour Japanese families hope for in the lives of their children.

German Club

Will be every Monday at lunchtime. Keep an eye on Daily Noticies for where this will take place. Last Monday we had a German lunch together where we sampled traditional food and discussed relevant German terms at the table. We look forward to seeing you there next time.